Pass The Test Guarantee

We believe very strongly that by taking our class, you will be prepared for the Notary Test. That’s why we created the Pass the Test Guarantee. If you have taken our Notary Class and you don’t pass after three attempts within a two year period, we will refund your entire purchase. To be eligible for a refund, please provide photographs or scans of each CPS Notification Letter to Please also include your username information, a photocopy of your identification and date of your class purchase, as well as the method of payment (Credit card or Paypal). Because chargebacks are sometimes limited by banks and may not be possible after a thirty to ninety period, your refund may be transferred via Paypal, Zelle, Venmo, CashApp or any other money-transferring service. We will be in contact with you directly to determine the best solution for you. 

20 Minute Free Trial

We offer a Free 20 Minute Trial for our class. When you register for a class, you will be given access to all the course videos. You may watch the videos in any order you wish. Once you start watching the videos, our system will track your progress. If you are not satisfied with the course and your total accumulated video runtime is less than 20 minutes, you may request a full refund for the entire purchase. To be eligible for a refund, please email with your username, a photocopy of your identification and date of your class purchase, as well as the method of payment (Credit card or Paypal). We will review your course progress to confirm that your total accumulated video runtime is less than 20 minutes. Because chargebacks are sometimes limited by banks and may not be possible after a thirty to ninety period, your refund may be transferred via Paypal, Zelle, Venmo, CashApp or any other money-transferring service. We will be in contact with you directly to determine the best solution for you.